2021.12.25 星期六 陰
此斗為Ben wade廠製作,Prominence為產品系列名稱並非獨立廠牌。
斗長 : 19.0,斗高 : 7.0,斗寬 : 6.7x4.6,斗口 : 2.4公分V型。
老娘收藏了許多Preben holm的遺作,對大師的作品風格非常的熟悉。
附上該廠歷史資料,與該廠其他斗型圖片和簡介.....分享如下 :
Peter Wilson owner of Duncan Pipes bought the rights of the brand in 1998.
Leeds period
(Right side) Made in Leeds, England, 47
▲ (Left side)
Ben Wade
(Right side)
Selected Grain, Leeds - England
London Made
(Right side) made in London. England
English Made
BlackfriarEnglish Made
Ivory▲ (Underside)
Ben Wade Made in London England
Danish Made
Danish Made
Majestic(Right side) Ben Wade, Hand made in Denmark
由 Benjamin Wade 於 1860 年在約克郡的利茲成立,在 1965 年利茲工廠關閉之前製造管道已有大約一百零五年時間(即使在二戰期間工廠被炸毀之後)。以更英式的造型感而聞名,與 Charatan 的一些比較,Ben Wade 這個名字現在更像是丹麥花式煙斗的代名詞,這在很大程度上要歸功於才華橫溢的丹麥雕刻師 Preben Holm 的努力,他開始為Lane 以 Ben Wade 的名義在美國出售,直到他於 1989 年去世。
Established by Benjamin Wade in 1860 in Leeds, Yorkshire and manufacturing pipes for about a hundred and five years (even after the demolition of the factory in a bombing during WWII) before the shuttering of it Leeds factory in 1965. While during it manufacturing days it was known for a more British sense of shaping, with some comparisons made to Charatan’s, the Ben Wade name is now more synonymous with the Danish Fancy style of pipes, thanks largely to the efforts of talented Danish carver Preben Holm, who started carving pipes for Lane under the Ben Wade name for sale in the US until his death in 1989.
手工斗收藏在商業與藝術上,Preben holm遺作是老骨董市場的首選。