2018.07.20 星期五 陰晴不定
斗長 : 14.4, 斗高 : 4.3, 斗寬 : 3.8, 斗口 : 2.1 公分~微V型。
該廠歷史資料超豐富,附上早期該廠其他斗型和簡介...分享如下 :
Kaywoodie began as a line of pipes offered by KB&B (Kaufman Brothers & Bondy)
in 1919 (see also Dinwoodie). Ultimately, KB&B changed its corporate name to "Kaywoodie".
It became a brand of S. M. Frank & Co from March 1955.
Kaywoodie seconds: Bentley US, Devonshire
Early Kaywoodie (1919-1924)
▲ (Left side) Kaywoodie (Arched over...) KB&B (In clover)
(Right side) 4223
The Drinkless Shellcraft
The white logo has the shape of the Drinkless systeme (see dok)
which equipped these pipes from 1924.
This Shellcraft has a push tenon and was thus crafted prior to 1930.
No KB&B clover stamped on the shank.
The Drinkless Peer
(Left side) The Drinkless , Peer
(Right side) Aged Bruyere, 17
(Right side) Aged Bruyere, 29
Early Drinkless
Gold foil clover inlay in stem
(Right side) Rock Ambera, Aged Bruyere, 7605
(Bottom) Synchrostem, PAT. APP. FOR, LA
▲ Rock Ambera: Bakelite stem with appearance of amber. These pipes had a black cloverleaf.
Period: 1929 - 1931
More about the PAT. APP. FOR stamping.
(Right side) Aged Bruyère, 7704
▲ "KBB" inside clover stamped on the shank was canceled in 1933.
The lack of "PAT. APP. FOR" stamping would indicate the synchrostem
patent was allready granted (1932) when this pipe was crafted.
Thus this pipe may be dated rather precisely.
Early Super Grain
(Left side) KAYWOODIE Super Grain
(Right side) Grecian Briar, 5123
(Bottom) Synchrostem, PAT. APP. FOR
▲ The PAT. APP. FOR stamping being canceled in 1932,
this pipe is one of the very first Super Grains produced.
More about the PAT. APP. FOR stamping
Early "President"
▲ (Left side)
KBB (In clover) Drinkless, Kaywoodie
(Right side)
Aged Bruyere, 7793
Synchrostem, PAT. APP. FOR
Early Suntan
▲ (Left side) KBB (in clover) Drinkless Kaywoodie
(Right side) Suntan, Algerian Bruyere, 7002, X
Suntan period: 1928-late 1950's
"Made in England" Suntans have been produced more recently.
Early Thorn
Thorn period: 1928-late 1950's
"KBB" inside clover stamped on the shank was canceled in 1933.