2017.06.26 星期一 晴
斗長 : 15.0, 斗高 : 4.7, 斗寬 : 3.8, 斗口 : 2.1 公分。
歷史資料超豐富,附上該廠一部份其他斗型與簡介....分享如下 :
See also: Chapuis-Comoy
- Ace of spades
- Ancestor
- Astor
- Atwood
- Britannia
- Carlyle
- Charles Cross
- Claridge
- Cromwell
- Dorchester
- Dunbar
- Drury Lane
- Dulcet
- Emerson
- Everyman
- Falcon
- Grand Master
- Gresham
- Guildhall
- Jockey
- Kingsway
- Lion's Head
- Lord Clive
- Hyde Park
- Lloyds
- Mc Gahey
- Moorgate
- Overland
- Royal Falcon
- Scotland Yard
- St James
- Sunrise
- Sussex
- The Academy Award
- The Carlyle
- The Exmoor
- The Golden Arrow
- The Mansion House
- The Yomoc
- Town Hall
- Trident
- Twin Bore
- Wilshire
Blue Riband
▲ Comoy, Blue Riband
Made in London (in circle) England, 126
The "Blue Riband" is on the top of Comoy's lines.
Three pieces (two black, one white) inlaid "C" logo.
This marking/inlay method was canceled in the early 80s.
Very rare: One year during WW II Comoy put a blue "C" on the stem of their Blue Riband line.
Comoy's CELEBRATION, Made in London, England, 101
Lucite stem. Pipe carved in 1976.
18 karat gold band with head of leopard, English crown, and "B" .
Gold band with [crown], [head of leopard], and [B]
(see DOK)
▲ Comoy's, Extraordinaire
Made in London ( in oval) England, 804
▲ (Left side) Comoy's, Extraordinaire
(Right side) Made in England, 61 XL
▲ (Underside) Comoy's, Extraordinaire
Underside) 235
(Underside) Made in London, England
Golden Arrow
(Left side) Comoy's Golden arrow [arrow]
(Right side) Made in London (In circle), England
Grand Slam
▲ (Side 1) Comoy, Grand Slam, Patent
(Side 2) Made in England (In circle) U.S.PAT. 2001612, 219.
(Bottom, near stem) * 4 Pat Pending
The mark "*4" indicates the size of the leather washer located
Period: 1933 until 1945 (with the bar logo)
After WWII the bar logo has been replaced by the 3 pieces inlaid C.
(Left side)
Comoy Grand Slam Pipe
(Right side)
Made in London (In circle) England
203 (shape code)
* 5
▲ (Left side) Comoy's Guildhall
(Right side) Made in London (in circle) England, 185
L.R 1904
▲ (Left side) L.R (In oval) London Made
(Hallmarks on band) HC (In title block), [leopard head] [Lion passant] [Date letter]
The “C” logo was first inlaid in the side of the mouthpiece around 1919.
London Pride
▲ (Left side) Comoy's, London Pride, Extraordinaire
(Right side) Made in London (In circle) England, 342
▲ (Left side) Comoy's Prima
(Right side) London (In a straight line)
The "Prima" line which was introduced in the early 1900s
corresponded to the top grade in those times.
The Birmingham Assay Office hallmarks display a "l" year letter which applies for 1910.
Notice the early Comoy's stamp with a tail after the "s". This "Comoy's"
joined flowing script canted forward was used from 1900 to about 1919.
▲ (Top side)
Royal Comoy
Made in London (In circle) England
A rare case in which the line name is stamped above "Comoy".
Three pieces (two black, one white) inlaid "C" logo.
This marking/inlay method was canceled in the early 80s.
(Left side)
Comoy's (Arched) Special
(Right side)
Made in London (In circle) England
495 (shape code)
The "Comoy's" marking: the arched COMOY'S stamping in upper case script with serifs,
apostrophe before the “S,” and the “C” larger than the other letters reaches back to 1917
and has been continued for a short time after WWII.
The country of origin marking: the circular "Made in London" and straight "England"
stamp was first used in the late 1940s / early 1950s.
The "C" stem logo: the “three-piece C” was continued until the Cadogan era in the 1980s.
Considering the shank stampings we could come to the conclusion the probability
this pipe has a replacement stem is significant
Specimen Straight Grain
▲ (Left side)
Comoy's, Specimen, Straight Grain
(Right side)
Made in London (In circle), England, 434
Virgin Briar
▲(Left side)
Comoy's (Arched), Virgin Briar
(Right side)
1933 [Symbol] Chicago
▲ (Left side)
Comoy's (Arched) Virgin Briar
(Right side)
Made in England (In circle) U.S.PAT. 2001612, 389
▲ (Left side)
Comoy's (Arched) Virgin Briar
(Right side)
Made in England (In circle) 61