2017.06.16 星期五 陰雨
斗長 : 14.0, 斗高 : 3.8, 斗寬 : 4.3, 斗口 : 2.1 公分。
歷史資料與原廠早期煙斗斗型宣傳海報...分享如下 :
Weber Pipe Co.
Carl B. Weber was a German from Bavaria. Aged 21 he emigrated to the USA in 1911.
In 1938 he established Weber Briars Inc. in Jersey City, New Jersey. Later renamed in Weber Pipe Co..
The firm grew to be one of the giants of American pipe industry focusing itself in the middle price and quality zone.Among others well reputated pipemaker Anthony Passante¹ worked for Weber.
Weber Pipe Co. owned and manufactured Jobey pipes - when mainly sold in the USA by The Tinder Box from 1970's - 80's.
In addition Jobey / Weber bought Danish freehands from Karl Erik (Ottendahl). These pipes were offered as Jobey Dansk.
Ottendahl discontinued exports to the United States in 1987 and in the very same year - obviously only as a ghost brand -
Jobey was transferred to Saint-Claude, France to be manufactured by Butz-Choquin.
Carl B. Weber is the author of the famous book "Weber's Guide to Pipes and Pipe Smoking".
Examples and nomenclature, courtesy, Doug Valitchka
Apparently Weber also had something to do with Rogers pipes and accessories, as can be seen in the following ads and examples.
- Examples of Rogers by Weber and nomenclature, courtesy, Doug Valitchka
¹ Anthony Passante († 1994) is frequently confused with Tony Pesante!
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