2015.12.15 星期二 晴
老娘私藏此波釋出的精選老斗,完整度超優、重量超輕、用料配件高級 !
斗長 : 15.0,斗高 : 5.7,斗寬 : 4.4,斗口 : 2.1 公分微V型。
此斗早已手工翻新、染色、做膜過了,屬於大型微彎式~抽斗品質超優 !
非常大一支斗但是令人驚訝的是非常輕,吸水性和耐熱度有超水準表現 !
斗型典雅穩重、握感非常好,非常適合大塊頭體型~叼上此斗信心破錶 !
The best quality is found in central and south Italy- the most privileged areas that supply the Molina.Briar is a very high temperature resistant material.it easily resists the high temperatures of combustion reached by tobacco during smoking. 最好的質量在中部和南部意大利-即提供Molina.Briar是一個非常耐高溫material.it輕鬆抵禦高溫燃燒吸煙時煙草達到最優越的地區發現的。
Molina still uses the skills of the famous artisan experts who fabricate the entire high quality pipes with their own hands from start to end. 莫利納依然採用了著名的工匠專家誰編造了整個高品質的管道用自己的雙手,從開始到結束的技能。 These are true and unque pieces for collection.it takes about 6 hours and 41 manual steps to realise each model.the highly selected quality briar combined with special drying methods of the woody essence allows the elimination of the irritating tannin giving molina pipes qualities that make smoking such a pleasure. 這些都是真實unque件的collection.it約需6小時,41手動步驟,以實現各model.the高度選用優質的石楠木結合的木質精華特別乾燥方法可消除刺激性的單寧讓莫利納管道素質,使吸煙這樣的樂趣。
Molina is an industrial company with a production capacity of over 180,000 pipes a year.it has hundreds of different models.each model has its own finishes which satisfy different client needs. 莫利納是一個工業公司,超過180,000管道一year.it有數百種不同的models.each模式有其自身的結束滿足不同客戶的需求的生產能力。
In the Barasso factory there is a warehouse for the briars which are stored and selected with maximum attention before being worked upon. 在Barasso工廠有一個倉庫,其在被加工之前被存儲並以最大的關注所選擇的荊棘。 In this factory there is a sawmill where ebonite is processed for the mouthpiece.there are many other sheds where we transform,cut,clean and vanish our pipes.Of course here you will also find our valuable stock warehouse. 在這家工廠有硬質橡膠的地方處理的mouthpiece.there很多其他的棚子,我們變換,剪切,乾淨,消失了pipes.Of當然,在這裡你還可以找到我們的寶貴庫存倉庫鋸木廠。
The research of new materials,colouration and vanishing methods means that at molina we are always active especially regarding production processes. 的新材料,著色和消失的方法的研究手段,在莫利納我們總是活性特別是關於生產過程。 This is because we want to offer new updated products,tastes and modern trends to our precious customers. 這是因為我們希望提供新的更新產品,口味和現代潮流為我們寶貴的客戶。
此斗黑色噴砂非常好照顧,稍有擦傷~黑色奇異筆伺候再上個蠟就行了 !
平日保養.....薄薄一層蠟用棉布搓揉後,再用棕毛刷來回刷養保證漂亮 !
九成九新(翻新後)媲美全新煙斗,重新染色(三色染)比原出廠狀態更美 !