2015.11.14 星期六 晴
斗長 : 14.5,斗高 : 4.4,斗寬 : 3.3,斗口 : 1.8 公分。
Wimbledon pipes were originally made by GBD and Comoy's in England but around 1980 the Wimbledon name was acquired by Mastercraft, the American pipe company that Bing Crosby used to advertise for.溫網管道最初是由GBD和Comoy的英國製造,但1980年前的溫網名被收購馬仕達,美國管道公司,賓·克羅斯比用來做廣告的。
Mastercraft had earlier acquired Briarcraft, a New York pipe maker, so being a part of Sparta Industries in North Carolina by the 1980s Mastercraft began producing Wimbledon pipes.馬仕達此前收購Briarcraft,紐約管材生產商,因此被斯巴達產業在北卡羅來納州的一部分,由20世紀80年代馬仕達開始生產溫網管道。
This Model No. 360S is an extension of a Model No. 36S produced by Sparta.這個型號360S是一個型號36S由斯巴達產生的擴展。
The Briarcraft enlongated diamond logo was used on these Wimbledon pipes.該Briarcraft enlongated菱形標誌上使用這些溫網管道。 They were made of the best briar the Sparta operation used in its top-line pipes.最好的石楠木用在其頂線管道斯巴達操作,他們發了言。
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此斗的歷史痕跡實在太美了...所以全斗只做了大美容,保持了原汁原味 !
這支斗抽斗品質實在是超優,釋出的超級不捨~老斗玩家千萬別錯過了 !
是老手光看照片噴砂木紋~就可判斷這支斗的木料超優,斗身非常的輕 !
【三千八百元】超低價格回饋好友,光買斗缽老木瘤都值得斗嘴算附贈 !
PS.此斗已於發文兩小時後售出 !!!