2015.10.06 星期二 晴轉陰
此斗由一位英國收藏家所割讓幾支斗中的一支,老娘釋出的也心疼萬分 !
斗長 : 13.5,斗高 : 5.4,斗寬 : 3.5,斗口 : 1.8 公分。
樹瘤老的令人流口水(紋路深邃而清晰),小口徑高煙鍋的冷抽法極品斗 !
這支斗的釋出掙扎了非常久,賣與不賣無關痛癢...老娘真的不差這小錢 !
這支在歐美菸斗論壇評價相當高的絕版斗,老娘為您節錄一些資料如下 :
Kriswill was one of the large pipe manufacturers in Denmark during the 1960s and 1970s, and I believe closed around 20 years ago. Their catalog cover read “By Appointment to the Royal Danish Court, KRISWILL, Kriswork Briar Trading, Briar Pipes Hand Made in Denmark.”
During the 1960s, a period which represented the zenith of the Kriswill ascension, they were marketed and sold totally independently of Stanwell and, AFAIK, and were never a subsidiary.
After the Danish Kriswill enterprise ended, pipes were made in Norway and in France under the Kriswill label. In the 1970s Kriswill was bought by Lillehammer, and in the 1980s the pipes were made for a while at the Catalan factory, Iberica de Pipas
此斗樹瘤紋路清晰保持原廠出廠狀態(只做了美容保養),沒砂孔磨損等 !
斗嘴烏黑晶亮沒有咬痕,煙油滲透非常油亮這種古拙需抽多少菸草養啊 ?
斗口非常美~沒有燒蝕碳化崩塌情形,在老古董斗界的賣相屬一流等級 !
【四千八百元】這支老娘心愛的收藏要換主人了,盼新主人好好珍惜它 !
PS.此文才上傳.....就立即秒殺了 !!!