2015.05.07               星期四                晴


【Karl Erik】丹麥知名斗師作品,早期石楠木純手工製造小彎型煙斗。



斗長 : 15.5,斗高 : 5.7,斗寬 : 5.9X4.9,斗口 : 2.3 V 型。




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Karl Erik Ottendahl (1942 - 2004) 卡爾·埃里克Ottendahl(1942至04年)

was born in Aalborg (Jutland), just a few miles from the very northernmost tip of Denmark.出生於奧爾堡(日德蘭半島),來自丹麥的非常北端只有幾英里。

He began smoking a pipe when he was 14 and upon leaving school he started an apprenticeship in the craft as a lithographer at the age of 16. While working as an apprentice he began hand carving pipes as a hobby.他開始抽煙鬥時,他是14和在離開學校,他開始了一個學徒的工藝為平版在16歲工作時當學徒,他開始手工雕刻的管道作為一種業餘愛好。 Many were given as gifts to his more senior colleagues.許多人當作禮物贈送給他的資深同事。 Upon completion of his apprenticeship he moved to Nairobi, Kenya to work as a lithographer during the 1962 war.在他的學徒,他搬到內羅畢完成後,肯尼亞工作作為1962年戰爭期間平版。 While in that war torn country, he was unable to procure pipes for himself.而在那場戰爭蹂躪的國家,他無法採購管自己。 In the face of such a predicament, he chose to continue to make pipes for his own use rather than go without.在這樣的困境面前,他選擇了繼續做管道為自己使用,而不是去沒有。


Returning to Denmark after three years he couldn't find a well paid occupation in his job, and so he began making a few pipes on the side to boost his income choosing his prenames "Karl Erik" - logo "KE" - for his label.回到丹麥後的三年中,他找不到一個很好的職業繳付在他的工作,所以他開始製作就在身邊的幾個管道,以提高他的收入選擇他prenames“卡爾·埃里克” - 標誌“KE” - 為他的標籤。 When he managed to find some major Copenhagen pipe stores willing to sell his pieces his reputation grew little by little and he was finally able to purchase more and better machinery and began working full time as a pipe maker.當他設法找到了一些重大的哥本哈根管店願意出售他的作品他的名聲一點一點長大,他終於能夠購買更多更好的機器,並開始全職工作作為管材生產商。


KE 06.jpg
Ekstravagant Ekstravagant
KE 01a.jpg


The manufacture era 製造時代

Growing demand for his pipes made it necessary to look for a larger workshop and hiring first co-workers around 1967/68.他管日益增長的需求做出必要尋找一個更大的廠房,僱用圍繞1967至1968年第一同事吧。 A most important step ahead in his career was the contract with Wally Frank , Ltd. of NYC who were in search of attractive, well made but affordable Danish freehands and fancy pipes fitting to their vast offer of low end or midrange pieces but with a stress on quality.在未來的職業生涯最重要的步驟是合同弗蘭克·沃利紐約市,公司誰是尋找有吸引力的,製作精良但價格合理的丹麥freehands和花哨的管道接頭其龐大的低端或中端塊報價,但有壓力質量。

"Attractive, well made but affordable Danish freehands and fancy pipes" - this was exactly what Karl Erik offered! “好看,製作精良但價格合理的丹麥freehands和花哨的管道” - 這正是卡爾·埃里克·提供! So to say that's the kernel of his lifelong philosophy as a pipemaker!所以說這是他一生的理念作為pipemaker內核! And indeed, Karl Erik always did it his way and always somewhat differently as others.事實上,卡爾·埃里克總是做了他的方式,總是略有不同的人。

As one of the few notable Danes Karl Erik Ottendahl dedicated himself to the needs of the normal pipe smoker with a normal income.由於幾個顯著丹麥人卡爾·埃里克·Ottendahl的一個獻身於正常煙斗吸煙者與正常收入的需要。 In the end he was one of the last of this tier.到底他是最後這一層之一。 He never made any pretence of the fact that his "hand mades" were prefabricated to a large extent on automated machines and only the last steps of fine-shaping and finishing were carefully made by hand.他從來沒有的事實,他的“手積木”被預製在很大的程度上自動化機器,只用手工進行精心製作的最後一步精細整形和精加工任何藉口。 But he never employed a copy milling, so many KE pipes may look very similar but not two are identic.但他從未使用的仿形銑床,這麼多的KE管看起來非常相似,但並不2頃同文。 As well the bulk of the stems was supplied by Stanwell in a close-to-finished state.還有大部分的莖是由供應斯坦韋爾在貼近成品狀態。 Stanwell also did the the sand blasting for KE to a large extent.斯坦韋爾也做了噴砂為KE很大程度上。

All in all he was much more successful with this peculiar manner of fabrication than many of the low-output artisans who populate the pipemakers' Olympus but hardly know how to pay the electricity bill.總而言之,他是更成功的製造這種奇特的方式比許多低輸出工匠誰填充管材生產商“奧林巴斯但不知道如何支付電費的。 Always keeping a watchful eye on quality his career developed fine and he was frequently making pipes for various labels in Denmark and the United States.始終保持注視質量他的職業生涯開發精細,他經常被製作煙斗在丹麥和美國各種標籤。 While doing this he administered a manufacture employing up to fifteen craftsmen, each of them specialising in certain steps of the production.儘管這樣,他管理的製造從業人員達十五工匠,他們每個人專門從事某些步驟生產。 Namely Bent Nielsen (see Benner ) and Peder Christian Jeppesen (see Neerup ) later became respectable pipemakers on their own.特尼爾森 (見本納 )和基督教的Peder傑普遜 (見Neerup )後來對自己的尊敬管材生產商。


以上只能概略的介紹這位大師,丹麥製斗業非常發達名師輩出 ~




這支 Karl Erik 的作品用料非常好,四周環繞的火焰紋路非常的漂亮 !

整支斗的完整度超好,找不出哪裡好嫌 ? 抽斗的品質超好保證一抽難忘。

喜歡玩手工奔放式大斗的斗友們.......這支名師手工斗值得您收藏把玩 !

【一萬零八百】老娘釋出這支收藏品,希望下任有品味的斗主~珍惜她 !



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