2015.05.03              星期日               晴




起始於1919 ~ 1971.12.31 結束製造,是當年菸斗界風雲斗廠之一。

斗長 : 14.0,斗高 : 3.9,斗寬 : 3.3,斗口 : 2.0 公分。




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Current Kaywoodie website當前Kaywoodie 網站

This article is under development. 這篇文章是正在開發中。 Photos and many other resources coming soon. 照片和許多其他資源即將推出。 Kaywoodie experts, please dive in! Click the discussion tab above. Kaywoodie專家,請潛水!點擊上面的討論選項卡。

The Heidelberg Pipe, Circa 1920's, Handed down from Kaywoodie President to President, courtesy SM Frank海德堡管,大約20世紀20年代,流傳下來的Kaywoodie總統先生,禮貌SM弗蘭克
The Heidelberg Pipe, Circa 1920's, Handed down from Kaywoodie President to President, courtesy SM Frank海德堡管,大約20世紀20年代,流傳下來的Kaywoodie總統先生,禮貌SM弗蘭克

The following article is on the history of the SM Frank & Co. Inc. , and includes an excellent history of KBB, Kaywoodie, and Yellow-bole. 下面這篇文章是關於歷史SM弗蘭克&Co. Inc.公司 ,包括KBB,Kaywoodie,和黃伯樂的優秀歷史。 Written By: Bill Feuerbach III, September 22, 1977, and used here by permission. 編劇:比爾費爾巴哈三,1977年9月22日,這裡使用的許可。 Bill mentioned that he has a more current revised version of this that will hopefully be coming soon 比爾提到,他對此有著更為當前修訂版,希望能即將推出

The history of SM Frank & Co. spans nearly a century and half of pipe making, supporting our claim as the "oldest pipe house in America." SM弗蘭克&Co.的歷史跨越近一個半世紀管製作,支持我們的主張是“最古老的房子管道在美國。” SM Frank, as it exists today, is a combination of some of the biggest names in pipe making from the early part of the 20th. SM弗蘭克,因為它今天存在,是一些從20世紀初在制管大腕的組合。 century.世紀。 The pipe names Kaywoodie, Yello-Bole, Reiss-Premier, DeMuth, Medico, Heritage and Frank are familiar to generations of pipe smokers.該管道名K​​aywoodie,黃釉,伯樂,賴斯總理,德穆思,醫學工作者,文物和弗蘭克熟悉幾代管吸煙者。



Early History [ edit ] 早期歷史 [ 編輯 ]

1936 Kaywoodie Shape Chart, Courtesy of Chris Keen 1936年Kaywoodie形狀圖,禮貌克里斯·基恩
1970-71 Kaywoodie Shape Chart, Courtesy of Chris Keen 1970-71 Kaywoodie形狀圖,禮貌克里斯·基恩
1939-1953 Kaywoodie Two-Pipe Set, Courtesy Dennis Dreyer 1939年至1953年Kaywoodie雙管套裝,禮貌丹尼斯·德雷爾

Kaywoodie was the name a pipe offered by Kaufman Brothers & Bondy Company (KBB), first appearing in February of 1919. The Dinwoodie pipe, also by KBB, appeared in November of 1919. Sometime before 1924, the Dinwoodie had been discontinued and the Kaywoodie name was beginning to be used on an extensive line of pipes that ultimately would be the name of the company. Kaywoodie是名稱按考夫曼兄弟和邦迪公司(KBB),首先出現在1919年二月份的Dinwoodie管,還提供KBB管道,出現在1919年的某個時候月前1924年,該Dinwoodie已經停止和Kaywoodie名字開始被管道上,最終將是該公司的名稱進行了廣泛的線上使用。 The origin of the name Kaywoodie is a combination of the K from Kaufman and wood, as in briar.名稱Kaywoodie的起源是從Kaufman和木材K個的組合,如在荊棘。 Not much is known of the original KBB company other than it was started in 1851 by the German born Kaufman brothers when they opened a small pipe shop in the Bowery section of New York City.並非被知道原KBB公司其他比它始建於1851年由德國出生的考夫曼兄弟,當他們在紐約市的波威節開了一個小管店的。 In the back room of this shop, they made their first pipes.在這家店鋪的里屋,他們做了他們的第一個管道。 From this meager beginning, the Kaywoodie name and organization was to emerge.從這個微薄的開始,Kaywoodie名稱和組織是湧現。

When one of the men from the New York office got "gold fever", he carried a large supply of pipes with him to California that he sold along the way.當來自紐約辦事處的一名男子得了“黃金熱”,他所攜帶的大量供應管道與他的加州,他一路上出售。 This early "national distribution" did much to build the reputation of KBB.這種早期的“國家分配”做了很多建立KBB的聲譽。 By the late 1800's, branches of KBB were opened in Chicago, Atlanta, San Francisco and St. Louis with family and friends acting as agents.到了1800年代後期,KBB分行在芝加哥,亞特蘭大,舊金山和聖路易斯開設了與家人和朋友充當代理人。 The trademarks, for the inlaid cloverleaf and the cloverleaf with the KBB initials inside, were issued in 1881. KBB's pipes became more popular and were in constant demand by the end of the century.商標,用於鑲嵌三葉草和苜蓿葉與KBB縮寫內,於1881年KBB的管道發出變得更加流行,是在不斷的需求由世紀末。 Orders were streaming back east and KBB needed to move to larger manufacturing facilities.訂單東流回來,KBB需要遷移到更大的生產設施。 By 1915 the move was made to larger facilities in the old Union Hill section of Union City, New Jersey.到1915年,此舉是為了在盟市,新澤西州的舊聯盟山段較大的設施進行。 The salesroom offices were located at 33 East 17th.門市部辦事處位於東33 17。 Street, New York. Street,紐約。 When the Kaywoodie pipe was first introduced by KBB it came with a hand cut rubber mouthpiece fitted with an aluminum Inbore Tube.當Kaywoodie管最早是由KBB推出它帶著裝有鋁Inbore管手切膠笛。 This device was to "assure a clean, cool smoke."這個裝置是為了“保證乾淨,涼爽的煙霧。” Other KBB pipes such as Ambassador, Heatherby and Melrose also had the Inbore tube.其他KBB管道,如大使,Heatherby和梅爾羅斯也有Inbore管。 The early Drinkless Kaywoodies from 1924 through 1931 had push bit stems.早期的Drinkless Kaywoodies從1924年1931年通過了推送位莖。 In 1931, after three years of research, the new Drinkless Kaywoodies with the synchro-stem, (threaded drinkless screw-in mouthpiece) were introduced. 1931年,經過三年的研究,新Drinkless Kaywoodies與同步莖,(螺紋drinkless螺桿式喉舌)進行了介紹。 The drinkless attachment was advertised as cooling the smoke from 850 degrees in the bowl to 82 degrees when it entered the mouth.該drinkless附件被標榜為在碗從850度的煙霧冷卻到82度的時候它進入口中。 By the mid 1930's, all Kaywoodie's came with the screw mounted Drinkless attachment.到了1930年中期的,所有Kaywoodie的用螺絲固定來連接Drinkless。 (Export Kaywoodies, available briefly from 1950-1955, had push bit stems and were available in all the same shapes and finishes as the drinkless versions.) (出口Kaywoodies,1950 - 1955年從簡單可用,只好推位莖和所有同一形狀是可利用的和完成作為drinkless版本。)

Again, demand for KBB pipes and especially Kaywoodie prompted another move for both the manufacturing facilities and the corporate offices.再次,KBB管道,尤其是Kaywoodie需求促使又一舉措為生產設施和企業辦公室。 In 1930 the corporate office moved into the Empire State Building on Fifth Avenue in New York. 1930年,公司總部遷入帝國大廈第五大道在紐約。 By 1935, the manufacturing operations moved from Union City to 6400 Broadway in West New York, New Jersey which, at the time, was touted as the largest pipe making facility in the world.到1935年,製造業務從市總工會移到6400百老匯在西紐約,新澤西其中,在當時,被吹捧為世界上最大的制管設備。 At the height of production, there were 500 employees producing up to 10,000 pipes per day.在生產的高度,有500名員工生產最多每天萬管道。

The corporate offices were relocated in 1936 to the International Building, Rockefeller Center, 630 Fifth Avenue, New York.公司的辦公室被重新安置在1936年國際大廈,洛克菲勒中心,630第五大道,紐約。 The invitation to visit the new office reads, "Kaywoodie is now on display at the world's most famous address - Rockefeller Center. Here Kaywoodie takes its place among the leaders of industry and commerce."參觀新辦公室的邀請寫著“Kaywoodie現在陳列在世界上最著名的地址 - 洛克菲勒中心在這裡Kaywoodie需要工商領導人之間的地方。” The move to Rockefeller Center coincided with The Kaywoodie Company's emergence as a subsidiary of KBB.此舉洛克菲勒中心正逢Kaywoodie公司崛起為KBB的子公司。 All of the pipes manufactured by KBB including the Yello-Bole line were also on display here.所有KBB生產包括黃釉,伯樂線管也是在這裡展出。 By 1938 Kaywoodie had opened an office in London to meet worldwide demand.到了1938年已經Kaywoodie開設了一個辦事處在倫敦,以滿足全球需求。 Kaywoodie of London was jointly owned with another famous pipemaker, Comoy's of London.倫敦Kaywoodie是共同擁有另一個著名pipemaker,Comoy的倫敦。

The Yello-Bole line was introduced in 1932 and was an outlet for lower grade briar not used in Kaywoodie production.該黃釉,博樂線上引入於1932年,是一個出口低年級的石楠木在Kaywoodie不在生產中使用。 Yello-Bole's were manufactured by Penacook, New Hampshire subsidiary, The New England Briar Pipe Company.黃釉-伯樂的被Penacook,新罕布什爾州的子公司,新英格蘭荊棘鋼管公司生產的。 Advertising from the 1940's, pictures the Yello-Bole "Honey Girl" and urges the pipe smoker to smoke the pipe with "a little honey in every bowl."廣告從1940年的,圖片的黃釉,伯樂“親愛的女孩”,並敦促煙斗吸煙者吸煙的管具有“少許蜂蜜每碗。” Honey was an ingredient of the material used to line the inside of the bowl.蜂蜜是用於排隊碗的內部的材料的成分。 It was said to provide a faster, sweeter break-in of the pipe.有人說,以提供更快,甜磨合管道。

Reiss-Premier Pipe Co. was also a pipe making concern that was part of the Kaywoodie organization.賴斯總理管業也是一個制管關切是Kaywoodie組織的一部分。 Pipes made by this company had the pipes name stamped inside an elongated diamond on the shank of the pipe.由該公司製作的管道具有管道名沖壓細長菱形內的管的柄。 KBB, Kaywoodie and Reiss-Premier were all located in the West New York manufacturing plant. KBB,Kaywoodie和賴斯總理均位於西紐約的製造工廠。 Rudolph Hirsch, the first president of The Kaywoodie Company from 1936 until at least 1950, was also president of Kaufman Brother's & Bondy when Kaywoodie was formed and was a vice president of Reiss-Premier.魯道夫赫希,本Kaywoodie公司從1936年直到1950年至少第一任總統,也是考夫曼兄弟的&邦迪總統時Kaywoodie成立,是賴斯總理的副總裁。

During World War II, getting briar imported into this country was not easy.二戰期間,讓荊棘進口到這個國家是不容易的。 Italian and French briar couldn't be had until very late in the war.意大利和法國的石楠木不能過到很晚的戰​​爭。 Kaywoodie was able to import 1400 5-gross bags of briar (about 1,000,000 blocks) out of North Africa in 1943 after the German army was defeated there. Kaywoodie能夠導入1400年5毛袋的石楠木(約100萬塊)從北非在1943年後,德國軍隊被擊敗了那裡。 Early in 1941, Kaywoodie embarked on a project of domestically grown briar wood, called Mission Briar or manzanita.早在1941年,Kaywoodie走上國內種植荊棘木的一個項目,叫團荊棘或MANZANITA。 This wood is botanically the same as Mediterranean briar.這種木材植物學一樣地中海荊棘。 The Pacific Briarwood Company, a KBB subsidiary, began harvesting the burl type wood growing on the slopes of the Santa Cruz Mountains of California.太平洋石南木公司,一個KBB子公司,開始收穫節木型加州的聖克魯斯山的山坡上不斷增長。 However, the smoking characteristics were not quite as good and the project was abandoned after the war.然而,吸煙特性是不太好,該項目在戰後放棄了。 After the war, pipe production returned to new heights with many new pipe smokers coming out of the armed services.戰爭結束後,管生產恢復到新的高度與許多新的管道吸煙者出來的軍種。

Kaywoodie, Yello-Bole bought by SM Frank [ edit ] Kaywoodie,黃釉,伯樂買了SM弗蘭克 [ 編輯 ]

In March of 1955, SM Frank & Co., Inc., headquarter at 133 Fifth Avenue, New York, with manufacturing facilities located in the Richmond Hill section of Queens in New York City, completed the purchase of The Kaywoodie Company, Kaufman Brothers & Bondy, Reiss-Premier Corp. and The New England Briar Pipe Co. There are a few years prior to this that things are a little fuzzy. 1955年,弗蘭克·SM公司,公司總部設在133第五大道,紐約,位於紐約皇后區市的列治文山部分生產設施三月,完成購買的Kaywoodie公司考夫曼兄弟的&邦迪,賴斯總理Corp.和新英格蘭荊棘鋼管有限公司有在此之前幾年,事情有點模糊。 It is thought that aforementioned companies were purchased by another company in 1952. The name of this company is not known by us.據認為,上述公司被另一家公司在1952年購買了這家公司的名稱是不是我們已知的。 This interim owner was not a pipemaker and after only 3 years was looking for a buyer.這個臨時的主人是不是pipemaker後僅僅3年時間一直在尋找買家。 When this unknown company bought Kaywoodie in 1952, the Rockefeller Center corporate office was closed and moved to the West New York plant.當這個不知名的公司購買了Kaywoodie於1952年,洛克菲勒中心公司辦公室被關閉,並搬到了西紐約工廠。 Sam Frank Jr. was put in charge of Manufacturing and Purchasing of the newly acquired West New York facility.山姆弗蘭克Jr.被投入了負責生產的新收購的西紐約設施和採購。 (Later in 1964, he would be elected President and Chief Executive of SM Frank. In 1968 he assumed and was later elected Chairman of the Board, replacing Herbert Schloss, who passed away in January of '68 after 60 years of employment with SM Frank.) (後來在1964年,他將當選總統SM弗蘭克和首席執行官。1968年,他認為,後來被選為董事會主席,接替赫伯特·施洛斯,誰去世68年的一月經過60年的就業與SM弗蘭克。)

In 1956, SM Frank purchased the New Jersey Briar Pipe Co., a pipemaker that produced mainly closeout and promotional pipes as well as private label. 1956年,弗蘭克SM購買新澤西荊棘鋼管有限公司是主要生產和收尾促銷管道以及私人標籤的pipemaker。 This company continued as a subsidiary until December 31, 1972.本公司繼續為子公司,直到1972年12月31日。

In 1957, SM Frank formed Medico Pipes (Canada) Ltd, to distribute Medico products in Canada. 1957年,弗蘭克·SM形成醫學生管(加拿大)有限公司,分發醫學生的產品在加拿大。 Offices were located in Toronto.辦事處設在多倫多。 In December of 1971, the subsidiary was renamed KYM Pipes (Canada) Ltd. and continued distributing all three lines there until it was sold to Brigham Pipes, Ltd. in 1985. Sometime in the early 1960's, another subsidiary was set up in Livorno, Italy called KYM (Europe) Srl.在1971年12月,子公司更名KYM管(加拿大)有限公司,並繼續發放三系那裡,直到它被賣給了布里格姆管道有限公司於1985年某時在1960年代初,另一家子公司成立於利沃諾,意大利叫做KYM(歐洲)SRL。 This location still operates today and acts as a warehouse and distribution facility of Medico products in Europe, Africa, and the Mid-East.這個位置仍然經營今天作為醫學生的產品在歐洲,非洲和中東的一個倉庫和配送設施。

From the time of SM Frank's purchase in 1955 until 1972, Kaywoodie and Yello-Bole were run as a separate companies, as divisions of the parent.從SM弗蘭克的購買於1955年的時間,直到1972年,Kaywoodie和黃釉,伯樂跑了作為一個獨立的公司,作為母公司的分歧。 The Kaywoodie Company was re-named Kaywoodie Pipes, Inc. Through this period, Kaywoodie and Yello-Bole had its own officers, sales force and maintained the production facilities in West New York.該公司Kaywoodie被重新命名為Kaywoodie管道公司度過這一時期,Kaywoodie和黃釉,伯樂都有自己的管理人員,銷售人員和維持在西紐約的生產設施。 In the early 1960's the corporate offices were re-located to SM Frank's office at 18 East 54th Street, New York, NY.在60年代初期的公司辦公室進行了重新定位,以SM弗蘭克的辦公室在18東54街,紐約,紐約。 Medico and DeMuth pipes continued to be made at the Richmond Hill plant.法醫和德穆思管道繼續在列治文山工廠進行。 Through the 1960's, demand for SM Frank pipes exceeded the available supply.通過對1960年的,對SM弗蘭克管道的需求超過了可供應量。 One of the reasons for this was the first two Surgeon General's reports on cigarette smoking and the health dangers.其中一個原因是在吸煙和健康危險的前兩個衛生總監報告。 This report also said that if you wanted to smoke, smoke a pipe instead.該報告還稱,如果你想抽煙,管代替。 By the late 1960's, SM Frank was looking for larger facilities to house the manufacturing and office space.到了1960年代末期,SM弗蘭克一直在尋找更大的設施,以容納製造和辦公空間。 In 1968, Kaywoodie's sales office moved again, to 745 5th Avenue. 1968年,Kaywoodie的售樓處再次移動,以745第五大道。 This office was only open a few years until the search for a new building was completed.直到尋找新的大廈完成這個辦公室只開了幾年。

In May of 1960, SM Frank started a subsidiary company called Heritage Pipes.在1960年五月,SM弗蘭克開始了一個子公司叫遺產管道。 The Heritage pipes were an upscale line of push bit pipes meant to compliment the Kaywoodie line.遺產管道被推送位管道意味著恭維Kaywoodie線的高檔路線。 Although not hugely successful, Heritage produced some fine pipes that are still in the collections of many pipe smokers.雖然沒有獲得巨大成功,遺產產生了一些細微的管道仍處於許多煙民管的集合。 This company was dissolved on December 31, 1971.這家公司解散1971年12月31日。

In 1966, SM Frank developed a synthetic material called Brylon as a cheaper alternative to briar. 1966年,弗蘭克SM開發了一個名為Brylon作為一個更便宜的替代石楠合成材料。 The material, a high temperature resin mixed with wood flour, was cheaper than briar, more resistant to cracking, chipping, charring and burnouts.該材料,耐高溫樹脂與木粉混合,比荊棘便宜,開裂,剝落,炭化和橫衝直撞更有抵抗力。 However to some there are some drawbacks, heavier in the mouth, hotter when smoked quickly, and also simply put, "wasn't briar."但是有些也存在一些缺點,在口中越重,越熱的時候迅速熏,也簡單地說,“沒有荊棘。” Millions of these pipes have been sold in the 3 decades since and continue to be part of the Yello-Bole and Medico lines.數以百萬計這些管道在30年以來已出售並繼續成為黃釉,伯樂和醫行的一部分。 Two Brylon lines in Kaywoodie, Marmont and Impulse, were briefly tried and abandoned in the late 80's.在Kaywoodie,馬爾蒙和脈衝兩Brylon線,進行了簡要的嘗試和被遺棄在上世紀80年代。

The Wm.在WM。 DeMuth Company, met its official end as a subsidiary company in 1972. DeMuth's mainstay pipe, the Wellington continued to be offered in the SM Frank catalog until 1976. In the mid-80's, the Wellington made a brief return as a direct to the consumer offer.德穆思公司,實現了其正式結束作為一個子公司在1972年德穆思的支柱管,惠靈頓繼續被提供的SM弗蘭克目錄中,直到1976年。在80年代中期,在惠靈頓做了一個簡要的回歸作為一個直接向消費者報價。 The Kaywoodie office in London was sold by SM Frank in the early 1970's along with the trademark for Kaywoodie in England to Comoy's of London (Cadogan), pipe makers since 1825. Comoy's and The Kaywoodie Co. (US) were 50/50 owners of Kaywoodie (London).倫敦Kaywoodie辦公室出售SM弗蘭克在1970年代初隨著英格蘭Kaywoodie的商標Comoy倫敦(加多)中,管材生產商自1825年Comoy及本公司Kaywoodie(美國)分別為50/50業主Kaywoodie(倫敦)。 Today, Comoy's continues to produce several different styles of London made Kaywoodies.今天,Comoy的繼續生產​​幾個不​​同風格的倫敦做Kaywoodies。

In 1972, SM Frank constructed a new building to serve as production facility and corporate offices on Horse Block Road, Yapank, Long Island. 1972年,弗蘭克SM建造的新大樓作為生產設施和馬擋道,Yapank,長島公司辦公室。 (Around this time Kaywoodie and SM Frank's other pipe brands started appearing in catalogs together.) The new building housed molding equipment for mouthpieces, filter making equipment, briar block inventory and the beginning operations of pipe making; (在這時間Kaywoodie和SM弗蘭克的其他品牌管開始出現在產品目錄在一起。)新大樓坐落成型設備的喉舌,過濾嘴製造設備,石楠塊庫存和制管的開始運營; frazing, first selection of the wood's grade, roughing (first sand papering) and second selection. frazing,第一選擇木材的等級,粗加工(沙先貼牆紙)和第二選擇的。 Because pipe making requires a skill that takes years to learn, the finishing operations, from mounting the mouthpiece to the stummel to completion, continued to be done by the workers at the Richmond Hill plant.由於制管需要一個技能,需要多年的學習,整理操作,從安裝喉舌的stummel完成,繼續由工人在列治文山工廠完成。 At this time the production facility in West New York was closed and moved to Richmond Hill.這時在西紐約的生產設施被關閉,搬到列治文山。

The thought was that skilled pipe craftsmen would be trained at Yapank and the finishing operations would gradually be shifted there.本以為是熟練技工管道將在Yapank進行培訓,整理操作將逐步轉向那裡。 Through the 70's the demand for pipes started to fall and as a result, the Yapank plant was closed in 1977 with SM Frank temporarily moving all operations back to the Richmond Hill plant.通過對70年代的管道的需求開始下降,因此,在Yapank工廠被關閉於1977年與SM弗蘭克暫時將所有操作回列治文山工廠。

Recent History [ edit ] 最近瀏覽歷史 [ 編輯 ]

Anniversary Pipes, courtesy SM Frank週年紀念管,禮貌SM弗蘭克
In 1980, SM Frank & Co. moved to its present location in Peekskill, NY, a small city 50 miles north of New York City on the east shore of the Hudson River. 1980年,弗蘭克·SM公司與移動到皮克斯基爾,紐約州的一個小城市紐約市北部50英里的哈得遜河東岸它現在的位置。 With the closure of the Richmond Hill plant in the early 80's, pipes were produced by several Italian pipe makers.與列治文山廠在80年代初關閉,管道被一些意大利管材生產商生產。 The quality of these pipes were not up to our standards and soon this arrangement ceased in favor of a domestic pipemaker, an ex-employee who had started his own pipe business.這些管道的質量沒有達到我們的標準,並很快這樣的安排停止有利於國內pipemaker,一名前員工誰已經開始了自己的生產彎管業務。 In 1992, SM Frank purchased their domestic supplier to maintain better control of quality and production. 1992年,弗蘭克SM購買其國內的供應商,以更好地控制質量和生產的。 All briar Kaywoodie, Yello-Bole, and Medico pipes, as well as private label pipes, are produced at our manufacturing facility in Tampa, Florida.所有的荊棘Kaywoodie,黃釉,伯樂,及醫管,以及自有品牌的管道,產生我們在佛羅里達州坦帕市的製造工廠。 All of SM Frank's Brylon pipes are manufactured in Peekskill.所有SM弗蘭克的Brylon管道在皮克斯基爾製造。

In September of 1997, SM Frank released the "Gold Series" of Kaywoodie pipes, marking the first new release in over a decade. 1997年九月,SM弗蘭克發布了“金系列”Kaywoodie管道,標誌著第一個新版本在超過十年。 This new series is 8 different finishes with push bit type mouthpieces, without the "drinkless screw attachment" or other metal condensers.這一系列新​​的8個不同的飾面用推送位類型的喉舌,沒有“drinkless螺旋附件”或其他金屬冷凝器。 The pipes are made of larger, extra quality briar with rubber or lucite mouthpieces.該管道是由較大的,額外的質量荊棘與橡膠或有機玻璃喉舌。 With this addition to the line, Kaywoodie pipes are available in 18 different finishes with about 12 twelve different shapes per finish.有了這個除了線,Kaywoodie管道18種不同顏色的裝飾,每完成約12十二個不同的形狀。 Medico is made in 13 finishes, 6 Brylon and 7 briar.醫學生是在13完成,6 Brylon和7石楠。 Yello-Bole is made in 9 finishes, 5 Brylon and 4 briar.黃釉,伯樂是在9飾面,5 Brylon和4荊棘。

Summary [ edit ] 摘要 [ 編輯 ]

While SM Frank and its predecessor's have gone through many changes over the years, the focus has remained, to offer a quality pipe at a price that the average pipe smoker can afford.雖然SM弗蘭克及其前身的經過多年來的許多變化已經走了,關注的焦點一直保持,以提供優質的管道在其平均煙斗吸煙者能承受的價格。 With pipes that use paper filters, screw mounted metal filaments, aluminum scoops and now just plain push bits, we offer a pipe for all tastes.與使用濾紙,裝螺絲的金屬絲,鋁勺,現在只是普通的推位管,我們提供了一個管道的各種口味。 The pipe market, increasing at a steady rate the past 3-4 years, appears ready for a resurgence even as the tobacco industry seems to be the target of choice among politicians and lawyers.管材市場,以穩定的速率增加近3 - 4年,出現準備回潮即使煙草業似乎是政治家和律師們的首選目標。 Pipes and cigars, enjoyed primarily in the home or at social smoker's nights, will continue to become a more popular way to enjoy tobacco.管道和雪茄,享受主要是在家裡還是在社交抽煙的夜晚,將繼續成為一個比​​較流行的方式來享受煙草。

Collectors Guide and Offsite Links [ edit ] 收藏家指南和異地鏈接 [ 編輯 ]

Here is a link to an excellent Kaywoodie Collectors resource, called the COLLECTOR'S GUIDE TO KAYWOODIE PIPES: A Partial Chronology of Kaywoodie Grades, Shapes and Prices (1936 - 1969), by Robert W. Stokes, Ph.D.: Kaywoodie Collector Guide這裡是一個鏈接到一個優秀的Kaywoodie收藏家資源,堪稱收藏家的指導KAYWOODIE管:Kaywoodie等級,形狀和價格(1936年至1969年)的部分年表,由羅伯特·斯托克斯博士: Kaywoodie收藏家指南

Logoplm.gif Kaywoodie's logos and markings : Clover variations since 1919 and corresponding stampings, all in pics. Kaywoodie的標識和標誌 :四葉草變化,自1919年以來和相應的沖壓件,都在圖片。

這個廠牌相關訊息如上 :



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